With the help of our co-presidents, the West Point Parents Club of Central Florida is supporting several exciting fundraising initiatives that will transformationally impact West Point and our cadets over the decades to come. The West Point Association of Graduates is spearheading the fundraising drives for two projects in particular that we strongly support.
We are pleased and honored to introduce you to these simply amazing projects:
We are pleased and honored to introduce you to these simply amazing projects:
In addition to any support you might elect to provide to the West Point Parents Club of Central Florida through our signature special events, you can also select any one or combination of giving platforms of your choosing. Such as:
- Principal Gifts
- Major Gifts
- Program Related Investments
- Social Impact Funding
- Planned Giving
- Endowments & Bequests
- and, more.
If you are interested in exploring how you might help West Point and our cadets from Central Florida, please email us at [email protected] and we will get right back to you.
In addition to these wonderful philanthropic investment opportunities above, we also gratefully accept donations online in the $10 to $100 range through our store. You can find those options by clicking here.
Thank you for your generosity and potentially making us one of your charities of choice!